Your Local Pharmacy in Wallasey

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Ear Wax Removal

In the Tympa Health appointment, we will check the ear and if the wax is there, we use the micro suction technique for removal. When compared to other methods like irrigation, micro suction is safe and secure. After removal of wax, a hearing test is undertaken to determine if there is any hearing loss which needs further check-up or inspection.

The Weight Loss Pen

The weight loss pen service is a prescribed weight control injection that enables better management of your weight along with a healthy diet. It is a great technique and works effectively by reducing your appetite. This means you feel less hungry than usual and can have better control over your weight within a few weeks.

Period Delay Treatment

If you want to delay your period for any event or occasion, then Wyn Ellis and Son Pharmacy can prescribe you tablets accordingly. Periods are monthly recurring due to a drop in progesterone levels and if your hormone level is balanced, your periods can be delayed for up to 2 weeks. Get in touch with Wyn Ellis and Son Pharmacy today to learn more or to get a prescription.